Lens Extension for Docker Desktop

Avinash Desireddy
2 min readJun 7, 2022


Docker Desktop extends its functionality to third-party tools with “Docker Extensions” enabling developers to integrate favorite tools for debugging, scanning, monitoring, and more, providing the best experience when working with containerized applications.

Lens for Docker Desktop lets users deploy Lens Kubernetes on Docker Desktop and provides easy access to Open cluster Lens Desktop to easily deploy workloads and easily manage and monitor resources; Allowing developers to get insights into real-time statistics, log streams, and hands-on troubleshooting in the early stages of development, radically improving productivity and the speed of business.

To setup Lens Kubernetes Extension on Docker Desktop

  • Open Docker Desktop (Version > 4.9.0)
  • Select “Add Extensions”
  • In the Marketplace, find the extension “Lens”
  • Click “Install” button to install the extension.
  • Select “Lens” Extension from the left pane
  • Click the play button to start the cluster
  • Select “Open Lens Desktop” to access the cluster
  • From Lens — Select “docker-desktop-lens-k8s”

About Lens

Lens provides full situational awareness for everything that runs in Kubernetes. It is lowering the barrier of entry for people just getting started and radically improving productivity for people with more experience. Get started with Lens today!


